Thursday, November 1, 2007

Think good thoughts

Scary few days...

Apparently there are families in Vietnam right now that are having difficulty finalizing their adoptions. US immigration is changing policies and there is an effort over in Vietnam to investigate certain orphanages/provinces to ensure that adoptable children were really 'orphaned' in a safe, legal way.

All well intentioned policies, but creating quite a headache for us and many other families -- some of which are already over there. Its a long story, but essentially we would still have the ceremony as planned, and be given the baby. At that point, Vietnam would recognize the adoption, but the U.S. would not, so we wouldn't be able to secure the Visa necessary to get her home. Of course, this could be specific to another province, it could be a problem with the individual families or children involved, or any number of things... so there's a chance that everything just sails along as planned. But we don't really know.

Although there is a risk that we could come home without her (temporarily), or that we'd have to 'live' over there for an extended period of time, we are still planning to go over there and just hope for a smooth adoption.

It could be the stupidest thing either of us have ever done, but we both think its worth taking this risk for her. Obviously, things are a little stressful as we get ready. Its a little dissapointing not being able to fully commit to the excitement, I'm pretty sure that will fade once we have her.

We'll do our best to keep everyone apprised through this blog while we are over there. If you are religious, or are considering dabbling in Godliness, now's the time we need everyone praying and wishing for a smooth adoption.

Thanks again to everyone... leave tomorrow night for what promises to be an interesting, exciting and stressful journey. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about possible bumps in the road. But good for you two to not let that stop you - go get that girl and bring her back. Whatever it takes, you can do it. We will all be pulling for you.

jcg9879 said...

I'm wishing you good luck....some posts from 'Nam are expected....

Unknown said...

Really sorry to hear about complications. All that excitement hurry up and then hold back. I agree with Wendy!! Go get that cutie. I don't do this often...but I'll be praying for you. Love, Mom/Toni

Anonymous said...

Hurry home safely with the little lady! I can't wait to babysit and help you two out now that I'll be living in the area. You two deserve the best so keep your chins up!!! Love u and see you soon!

Unknown said...

I am sad this is a bit unorganized for you both, from a government red tape stand point...but knowing what you are about to experience, that sadness is COMPLETELY ECLIPSED BY JOY!!!! I am so excited for you and your journey to bring your baby girl home...good luck and god speed to you three!


Julie Wilder said...

I'm an optimist, so I'm certain this will all work out. You've been thrown a curve ball, that's all. There are always hiccups on the road to any great journey and this will be the greatest of your lives. Your Gentle Water is destined to come home with you and we all can't wait to meet her and welcome you home with open arms.

Unknown said...

Pappo, Grammy and Great-grandmom are thinking positive thoughts and praying for you. We can't wait to see the baby and help you spoil her. Let us know how it's going.
Love from the home front

Anonymous said...

Your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers - God's speed.

Thank you for including me in your gentle blog world.

I hope you know how special you all are and you should and will be a family.
